Maj. Joshua Sleestak (ret.) Continental Army, 1806

Took a bit of internet searching on and off during the last year but I finally found some real world provenance for the origin of the ‘Sleestak’ name for the fictional lizard creatures populating the pocket universe of the classic 1970s television show The Land of the Lost. According to the episode Follow That Dinosaur (Season 1, Episode 13) the native Altrusians were colloquially named ‘Sleestak’ by a time-lost soldier from the Revolutionary War because they reminded him of his commanding officer from his service in the Continental Army, Major Joshua Sleestak. Sometimes truth is stranger than fiction. Executive Producer for the show David Gerrold must have been a history buff.

4 thoughts on “Maj. Joshua Sleestak (ret.) Continental Army, 1806

  1. I saw another painting of Joshua Sleestak somewhere, mot sure where. It was similar, but different.It is an actual Slovenian or Slovak surname as well.

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