San Diego Dining

I’m not really one for eating at fast food places anymore (not the healthiest fare one could eat) but I have always enjoyed the dining area design of one of the local McDonald’s here in San Diego.

No one really pays any attention to it now, but the futuristic sci-fi theme of the dining area designed by space-warp enthusiast and artist Diosdado Mondero made a big splash back in 1989. People hated and loved it and many visited the restaurant just to check out the unusual spacey atmosphere.

You could write a whole novel just based on the image of the evil penguin overlords coolly watching their plans to destroy the known universe coming into fruition.

This McDonald’s was notable not just for having one of the first artistic dining areas that deviated from the dated corporate template, but their children’s play area also had one of the first activity centers without razor-sharp, child-maiming protruding bolts on the interior of the gym set!

Bonus! Will Time Travelin’ Schatzi © be able to put a halt to the penguin overlords’ mad plans before the universe is pulled into a laser-tag roller-disco hell of no return?


One thought on “San Diego Dining

  1. “image of the evil penguin overlords coolly watching their plans to destroy the known universe coming into fruition.”I just think it is more Bill Gates paranoia about Linux.

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